Referral Information
We are currently accepting new clients through: Self referrals, GP referrals, Professional Referrals.
Please contact us via Email, WhatsApp or our Contact Page. We will then email you an online referral form to complete.
Once the referral form has been completed and submitted your referral form will be reviewed to ensure it meets our criteria:
Anxiety (including separation anxiety, generalized anxiety disorder)
Low Mood,
Emotionally Based School Avoidance
Suicidal Thoughts
Selective Mutism
Learning Difficulties
Sleep difficulties
Poor Regulation
On going therapy for Mental Health Disorders
Postnatal Depression
Social, Emotional, Mental Health
Parent/Primary caregiver support
Primary caregivers and infants
Foster Care
We will then contact you via phone/email with current wait times, or an offer of an initial appointment/primary caregiver consultation. The initial appointment/primary caregiver consultation we offer face to face or via zoom and in order to identify the needs, issues or concerns of the person referred, and ensure this is the best steps for them. We also go through confidentiality and safeguarding, and answer any questions you may have.
We offer a variety of therapies, and during the initial appointment, we will recommend the best therapy for you. For Art Therapy and Talking Therapies we offer an initial 6-10 sessions, of 50 minutes every week. We will provide therapy one to one, unless the assessment session highlights it might be helpful to take part as a family. We will review the therapy every 6-10 sessions, and if with a child/young persons will review with the primary caregivers.
If you are recommended or seeking EMDR therapy, we recommend 8-10 sessions.
If the referral does not provide sufficient information or meet the criteria we may ask you to re-refer or alternatively we will phone you to speak about sign-posting.